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amanda prince menopause and aesthetics

Menopause Facts

Writer's picture: Amanda PrinceAmanda Prince

menopause facts

HRT is Not Contraception

HRT contains low levels of hormones so is not effective as contraception. During perimenopause there is still a possibility of pregnancy and up until a year following your last period. Contraception is still required some forms of contraception can be used with HRT. A Mirena coil is an excellent way of delivering progesterone into the womb which protects your uterus during menopause and provides contraception. It can be left in place for 5 years.

HRT Protects Your Bones and Heart

Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in postmenopausal women. Oestrogen has a protective effect, when the levels of oestrogen fall during perimenopause cholesterol levels can also rise. Oestrogen allows your blood vessels to relax and dilate, it reduces inflammation in blood vessels and reduces bad cholesterol, when taken through the skin in a patch, gel or spray does not have an increased risk of clot or stroke.

Body Identical HRT is Made from Yams!

Body identical HRT is derived from the yam (sweet potato) plant. Known as Utrogestan® which is a progesterone. This type of HRT is heavily regulated and thoroughly tested and researched. This is the type of HRT is recommended by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines (NG23).

The oestrogen in most body identical forms of HRT is called ‘17 beta-estradiol’. This is also derived from Yams. Absorbed via a patch, gel or spray is best as this is delivered directly through the skin and has less side effects and no risk of blood clots. Both forms of body identical hormones have very few side effects or risk compared to other types of HRT.

Utrogestan® is a Natural Sedative

Generally recommended to be taken at night. This is a beneficial side effect if sleep is a problem. Some women are intolerant to progesterones resulting in symptoms such as one would experience with PMS. Synthetic progesterones are called progestogen, side effects are more likely with the synthetic form of the hormone. There are alternative forms that are less likely to result in side effects.

It’s Confusing! what is the Difference Between Body Identical and Bio Identical HRT?

Body identical HRT as we have mentioned is recommended by thorough research and testing as being the safest form of HRT. It is generally what is prescribed by UK medical professionals.

Bio identical compounded hormones (BHRT) are not regulated. They are not approved by the NHS or menopausal societies. They are generally sold at high cost. They are marketed as ‘A natural alternative to HRT’ If in doubt please check with a doctor, pharmacist or health care professional with knowledge of menopause treatments.

Drinking Alcohol and Obesity Increases the Risk of Breast Cancer More than HRT Does

The risk of breast cancer increases as we get older, it is the most common cancer in females, statistically 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer. Due to screening the risk of dying from breast cancer is very low in the U.K. Younger women taking HRT do not have any greater risk of breast cancer. Taking micronized progesterone rather than the older forms of progesterone reduces risk of breast cancer in comparison. Taking the older forms of combined HRT has the same level of risk as drinking 2 glasses of wine per day.

HRT is much safer than many people realise. NICE Guidance (2015) provides evidence and reassurance.

There is no time limit on how long to take HRT for.

Arrange Your Menopause Consultation

If you are seeking advice or help on anything to do with the menopause, its stages, diagnosis and treatments, please do get in touch. I provide face-to-face consultations for women living in the Wirral, Liverpool and Chester areas, and can provide telephone or video-call consultations to those further afield.

Please email me to arrange your menopause consultation.

I look forward to hearing from you.


amanda prince menopause and aesthetics consultant

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