A Warm Welcome
I'm so glad you have found my website. Perhaps you came here because you were looking for help with menopause symptoms or you're thinking about aesthetic treatments. Perhaps a friend mentioned my website to you and you've stopped by to have a peek at what I can help you with.
However you discovered this website is not important, what is important is how I can help you. As you navigate through the pages of this website you will see that my focus is on helping women everywhere who are going through or approaching menopause to manage this time of change. I also provide high quality aesthetic treatments to clients based in and around the Wirral, Liverpool and Chester.
Online Menopause
I know myself just how scary, difficult and potentially life changing menopause can be. Through an established career in medical care, my focus now is in helping women like you to navigate and manage this time of change to find balance, and re-focus your new life in a way which is full of potential and opportunity.